Local Plan/MOUs/One-Stop Operator
Our draft Local Integrated Workforce Plan is open for public review and comment. The Spokane Workforce Council values input from all customers and stakeholders of our system and wants to ensure our plan reflects the diverse residents and businesses of our community.
Your voice matters! Help us build a system that continues to improve and better meets the needs of everyone whom we serve.
To view the draft plan, click here.
Written comments can be emailed to admin@spokaneworkforce.org. Please include “Local Plan Public Comment” in the subject line.
- May 15, 2019 board meeting minutes at which decision was made to fund One-Stop Operator contract.
- May 20, 2020 board meeting minutes at which OSO RFP was extended for a second year.
- March 25, 2021 board meeting minutes at which OSO RFP was extended for a third and final year.
- Visit the policies page to access the One-Stop Operator Policy and firewall agreement.
Now Accepting Comments for the 2020-2024 Plan
The updated Local Integrated Workforce Plan is ready to be reviewed, and we are accepting public comments through April 8, 2020. Please review the plan by clicking here, and click the button below to submit a comment. This is a community-wide plan: our goal is to establish common measures of success across the Spokane area to which many organizations, businesses, and individual citizens can contribute to improve the economic well-being of our entire region. We want the plan to work for as many people and stakeholders as possible, and welcome comments from everyone.