Accelerating Community Connections
A background image of an Asian family playing at a park.

Accelerating Community Connections

Application Review in Process.

Funded through the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Community Reinvestment Project, the Accelerating Community Connections grant aims to rectify historical injustices, including those from the “War on Drugs” by working with “By-and-For” organizations to help us connect the local Black, tribal, and Latine communities with workforce development resources. 

Organizations may apply for up to $30,000. Please note that substantiation of need including budget and detailed description of need will help us make appropriate decisions on award amounts to maximize funding.

We are committed to creating equity for Spokane Businesses within our community.

This commitment begins here with you. We will provide funds to organizations that provide services to individuals from Black, tribal, and Latine communities to rectify the injustices stemming from the historical implementation and enforcement of state and federal criminal laws and penalties for drug possession, also known as the “War on Drugs.” These organizations are defined as “By-and-For” organizations by Washington’s Office of Equity.
Click here for more information about “By-and-For” organizations. 


Application Information

Please review the application, scoring guide, and all other materials necessary to complete the application. 

The Community Reinvestment Project (CRP) is a community-designed plan to invest $200 million from the Community Reinvestment Account into communities across Washington State that were disproportionately harmed by the historical design and enforcement of criminal laws and penalties for drug possession (otherwise known as the “war on drugs”).

The SWC, as one of the 12 local workforce boards in Washington State, is one of the many partners on this project, providing Career Accelerator Incentives to individuals enrolled in our Economic Security for All (EcSA) poverty reduction workforce program. Career Accelerator Incentives are $1,000 monthly payments made to individuals who are actively working on their individualized career plans with the goal of reaching self-sufficiency. An essential element of economic development for these populations is workforce development, specifically helping to connect people with careers in in-demand industries with family sustaining wages. Read more about this part of the CRP here: The two-pronged goal of this program is to help mitigate the negative effects of the “war on drugs” on Black, tribal, and Latine individuals and families in our region, specifically by helping move those experiencing or at risk of poverty to self-sufficiency.

We are seeking proposals from organizations that provide services to one or more of these groups (Black, tribal, or Latine) to increase access of these focus populations to workforce system resources, specifically the EcSA program and Career Accelerator Incentives. Additionally, our goal is to foster stronger relationships, include voice of the customer in program design, provide more culturally specific services, and increase cultural competence in line with our equity mission.

The SWC plans to make 3-5 awards of up to $30,000 each to By-and-For organizations that work with one or more of the CRP focus populations to perform the following work.

  • Primary focus: provide customer referrals to the WorkSource Spokane Campus, specifically the EcSA CRP program.
    • Customer referrals must primarily be individuals or families from the CRP target populations (Black, tribal, Latine) who are eligible for the EcSA program.
      • EcSA eligibility criteria:
        • Be legally entitled to work in the United States, and
        • Be experiencing poverty or be below the self-sufficiency standard as determined by the UW Self Sufficiency Calculator[1] and
        • Have demonstrated needs or goals related to education, training, and/or employment[2]
      • Proposed targets should be at least one (1) referral for every $1,000 – $1,500 of requested funds. We will consider proposals that have targets outside of the range given, if rationale is provided in the proposal. We are committed to considering creative program design ideas. Final targets can be established during contract negotiations with selected bidder(s).
    • Participate on our Economic Security for All (EcSA) Advisory Committee, which meets at least quarterly.
    • Attend WorkSource Campus Meetings one or more times during the contract period to present on your organization, services provided and about appropriate referral pipelines.
    • Attend the 2025 WorkSource System Conference, typically held in June of each year.
    • Submit regular narrative and budget reports utilizing templates provided by the SWC.


[1] Participants may be employed at time of enrollment. If wages are not sufficient to meet household needs and/or the participant considers themselves to be under-employed, they may still receive services from this program.

[2] WorkSource career coaches work one-on-one with clients to refine and develop career plans and goals, and we do not require that referred customers have fully developed career plans at time of referral. However, the EcSA/CRP program is primarily a workforce development program, and referred clients must have a desire to pursue employment as a means to achieving self-sufficiency.

Applicant organizations must:

  1. Provide services in Spokane County (there is not a requirement to be headquartered in Spokane County, as long as services are provided in Spokane County).
  2. Either:
    1. Be registered as a By-and-For organization with the Washington State Department of Commerce or
    2. Be a federally recognized tribe in Washington or
    3. Have the ability to become registered as a By-and-For organization. The official registration application to designate new by-and-for organizations has closed. However, new applications can be approved on a case by case basis. If you believe your organization qualifies based on the criteria below, you may submit an application, and we will analyze eligibility when your application is scored. 

As defined by the Office of Equity, to qualify as “By-and-For” for the CRP, an organization must:

  • Be a part of, rooted in, and defined by the identity of the Black, Latine, and/or tribal community.
  • Have leadership and staff who belong to the Black, Latine, and/or tribal community.
  • Build trust, advocate, respond, and solve problems specific to Black, Latine, and/or tribal community.
  • Have roots in their communities as change agents and providers of community services (services can include, but are not limited to, social services, employment support, community programming, educational support, etc.).
  • Invest in and work with community members to improve their quality of life.
  • Faith-based organizations are eligible.

The SWC is committed to supporting local solutions for our community. We are available to assist organizations in their application to be included as a By-and-For organization as part of this application process. Please contact us at to inquire about assistance with the By-and-For application process.

SWC employees and their immediate family members are not eligible to apply.  

  • Funding can be used broadly and creatively for this project, including covering personnel costs, occupancy costs, outreach activities, travel and training, supplies, and more.
  • Direct client costs such as support services to remove barriers (for example, gas vouchers or bus passes) are also allowable.
  • Contracts will be cost reimbursement contracts, so organizations must have the ability to incur costs and submit monthly invoices for reimbursement.
  • No funds available under this RFP shall be used for investment in revolving loan funds, capitalization of business, investment in contract bidding resource centers or similar activities, or foreign travel.
  • We will work with selected grantees on how funds are paid out, either in advance payments or cost reimbursement. Payment details will be negotiated as a part of the contracting process. We are committed to preventing undo financial hardship to grantees as a part of this process.

Download a .pdf version of the full application description HERE

Download the required budget template HERE.

As part of the application, you will also be asked to upload a current valid business license, your 501(c)3 verification letter (if applicable), and your organization’s W-9.

To apply click HERE     

Applications will be evaluated in a multi-stage process, which includes both a standardized set of scoring criteria and a comparative evaluation of bidders’ fit with the objectives of this initiative to ensure representation from all focus populations. Scoring criteria can be downloaded HERE and is summarized below. In-person or online interviews may be conducted as a part of the review process.

The following criteria will be used to evaluate responses and ultimately award funding, and scoring will be based upon the ability to earn a total of 65 points:

  1. Organization meets required eligibility criteria (registered tribal entity or registered by and for organization; not debarred or suspended) – ineligible applications will not be scored
  2. Service Strategy (15 points): Proposed service strategy aligns with the goals and deliverables of the RFP, including outreach, referral, and performance goals. Organization has demonstrated their capacity and ability to meet contract deliverables within the project timeline.
  3. Focus Populations (10 points): Organization has demonstrated a satisfactory record of relevant experience providing services to one or more targeted populations who are eligible for and in need of EcSA services.
  4. Referral Targets (10 points): Organization has proposed a workable referral design process and has proposed appropriate targets (one referral per $1,000 – $1,500 of funding requested, or justification for targets if outside of that scope).
  5. Case Management (5 points): Organization has outlined their capacity to co-case manage or support referred customers, and has factored their own services into their proposal.
  6. Workforce System Participation (5 points): Organization has affirmed their willingness and capacity to participate in SWC Advisory Groups and conversations about workforce system services to their customers.
  7. Equity (5 points): Organization demonstrates commitment to ensuring equity and equal opportunity for its workforce and customers.
  8. Budget (10 points): Budget submission clearly outlines what funding will be utilized for and is within scope and allowability for the project. Application materials reflect a record of integrity, business ethics, and fiscal accountability.
  9. Completeness of Application (5 points): Submission of all required documentation and information.
  • May 20, 2024: Applications open.
  • May 23 (2pm-12pm) – Application Assistance ZOOM LINK
  • June 3 (11:30am-12:30pm): Application Assistance ZOOM LINK
  • Anticipated Contract Dates July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

Bidders may contact SWC staff by email with questions. Bidders may also request a phone call by emailing, and we will provide a call back and/or written answer  within two (2) business days. Questions submitted using alternative formats or after the deadline may not be answered. All questions should be submitted to

We are offering two (2) optional Q&A Sessions as a part of this process, via Zoom.

MAY 23, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00 PM

No RSVP necessary, Click here to access the Zoom Link

June 3, 2024, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

No RSVP necessary, Click here to access the Zoom link


If your question is not listed here, please feel free to submit it to us at We update our FAQ section weekly with all questions and answers received.


The Accelerating Community Connections grant opportunity is for organizations that provide services to one or more of these groups (Black, Indigenous, or Latine) to increase access of these focus populations to workforce system resources, specifically the EcSA program and Career Accelerator Incentives. Additionally, our goal is to foster stronger relationships, include voice of the customer in program design, provide more culturally specific services, and increase cultural competence in line with our equity mission.

Eligible organizations must:

  1. Provide services in Spokane County (there is not a requirement to be headquartered in Spokane County, as long as services are provided in Spokane County).
  2. Either:
    1. Be registered as a By-and-For organization with the Washington State Department of Commerce or
    2. Be a federally recognized tribe in Washington or
    3. Have the ability to become registered as a By-and-For organization. The official registration application to designate new by-and-for organizations has closed. However, new applications can be approved on a case by case basis. If you believe your organization qualifies based on the criteria listed in the above section under “Eligibility Criteria for Applicants,” you may submit an application, and we will analyze eligibility when your application is scored. 

Grant funds can be used broadly and creatively for this project, including covering personnel costs, occupancy costs, outreach activities, travel and training, supplies, and more.

Applications must be made online, at the link provided above under “Application Information.” The application is a JotForm questionnaire. You can also find the detailed instructions on how to complete and submit your application in the section above. 

The application requires basic organizational information, a description of the proposed activities, a budget detailing how the grant funds will be used, and any additional documentation relevant to your proposed project. We will also require a valid business license, IRS Form W-9 and budget document to be uploaded into the application. We will accept State/Local Tribal documents. 

Grant applications are evaluated based on several criteria including ownership representation, alignment with grant purpose, impact and sustainability, community benefit and engagement, and completeness of the application. Each criterion is assigned a specific point value, and applications are scored accordingly. Scoring criteria can be downloaded/viewed here.

Our goal is for notifications to go out to awardees on June 20, 2024. All applicants will be notified about the status of their application before July 1, 2024. 

Yes. We will have two application assistance webinars and they will be offered on Zoom on May 23 and on June 3. Zoom links are available under “Application Assistance” in the section above on this web page. 

If you are in need of other application assistance or an accommodation for completing the application, please email us at

We recommend carefully reviewing the grant guidelines and application instructions before submitting your application. Additionally, please ensure that your proposed activities align with the grant priorities and that all required documentation is provided to facilitate the review process.

Yes, we encourage applicants to reach out if they have any questions or need assistance with their applications. Please submit all questions to us at and we will update this Q&A document weekly with all questions and answers received. You may also request a phone call by email, and a member of our team will call you back within two (2) business days. 


Bidders may contact SWC staff by email with questions at, and either Andrea or Jessica will provide an answer within two (2) business days. Bidders may also request a phone call by emailing that same address, and one of us will provide a call back within two (2) business days. Questions will be considered public record, and questions and answers will be posted to the FAQ section of this website at least weekly.  Questions submitted using alternative formats or after the deadline may not be answered. All questions should be submitted to

Andrea Hixson portrait

Andrea Hixson

Program & Operations Associate Director

Jessica Clayton Portrait

Jessica Clayton

Division Executive of Programs & Development

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Archived RFPs & RFBs

The RFPs and RFBs below are now closed and listed here for archive and visibility purposes.

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify two operators for the WorkSource Campus, with one at each of the following locations: WorkSource Spokane and the Resource Center of Spokane County. Agencies can bid on one or more operator positions. Operators should be goal-driven, visionary, inspirational and highly professional leaders willing to achieve our vision for cutting-edge, functionally integrated service sites. In general, each operator will be responsible for the management of their respective site, with the WorkSource operator additionally responsible for (1) functionally or directly leading talent solution services, and (2) supporting the SWC with coordinating affiliated WorkSource service locations in Spokane County. 

The following documents apply to this RFP:

  • WorkSource Campus Operations RFP
  • WorkSource Operator Budget Without Client Services
  • Resource Center of Spokane County Operator Budget Without Client Services

> Download the WorkSource Campus Center Operations RFP here

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify a consortium of providers to deliver Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker (DW) services at WorkSource Spokane in a manner designed to meet the needs of local employers. Unlike typical Adult and Dislocated Worker program Requests for Proposal, this RFP is designed to identify a consortium capable of offering WIOA Title I services in a functional team model, which is accomplished by grouping services by service level – Basic Career, Individualized Career, and Training – rather than by program or agency.

The following documents apply to this RFP:

  • WorkSource Spokane Services Providers’ Consortium RFP
  • Budget with client services

> Download the WorkSource Spokane Service Providers’ Consortium RFP here

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify a consortium of providers to deliver WIOA Title I Youth services at the Next Generation Zone in a one-stop career center model. This RFP is designed to identify a consortium capable of offering WIOA Title I Youth services in an integrated environment where education, career skills training, community and employment resources are co-located to provide wrap-around support to young adults.

The following documents apply to this RFP:

  • Next Generation Zone Service Providers’ Consortium RFP
  • Budget with Client Services
  • Youth Loading Chart

> Download the Next Generation Zone Service Providers’ Consortium RFP here

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify a consortium of agencies to offer talent solutions services, also known as business services, on behalf of the Spokane WorkSource System and the SWC. Services will be delivered at our new Talent Solutions Center at 140 S. Arthur St. Suite 300B, Spokane, WA. It is the goal of the SWC that the talent solutions team strive to be a national leader in talent solution services.

The following documents apply to this RFP:

  • WorkSource System Talent Solutions RFP
  • Budget Without Client Services

> Download the WorkSource System Talent Solutions RFP here

Awarded to:

Original website posting:
The Spokane Workforce Council is pleased to release a Request for Bids (RFB) for Managed IT Services at the Next Generation Zone. The Next Generation Zone is Spokane County’s only young adult career center, and serves upward of 250 young adults each month seeking education and career services.

Below find the RFB guidelines and our data security policy for IT providers. Please read the RFB in its entirety for full details. Proposals are due via email to by close of business on April 13, 2021.

Awarded to:
[enter winners]

Original website posting:
Section Title: General Information for all RFPs

Please review each RFP for a detailed timeline. General timeline overview:

  • All proposals are due to the SWC on April 25, 2019.
  • Questions will be accepted via email only to through April 22. All responses will be posted on this RFP Q&A page.
  • An optional bidders’ conference will be held on March 7 at 10:00 AM. We ask that interested bidders RSVP for the conference by March 4 by emailing, and submit questions in advance so that we can accurately prepare. RSVP and advance submission of questions is not required.  

View RFP Q&A

The Spokane Workforce Council is pleased to announce the release of $3.39M through four new Requests for Proposal (RFP):

WorkSource Campus Operations (link to RFP)

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify three operators for the WorkSource Campus, with one at each of the following locations: WorkSource Spokane, Next Generation Zone, and EnVision Center. Agencies can bid on one or more operator positions. Operators should be goal-driven, visionary, inspirational and highly professional leaders willing to achieve our vision for cutting-edge, functionally integrated service sites. In general, each operator will be responsible for the management of their respective site, with the WorkSource operator additionally responsible for (1) functionally or directly leading talent solution services, and (2) supporting the SWC with coordinating affiliated WorkSource service locations in Spokane County.

WorkSource WIOA Service Providers’ Consortium (link to RFP)

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify three operators for the WorkSource Campus, with one at each of the following locations: WorkSource Spokane, Next Generation Zone, and EnVision Center. Agencies can bid on one or more operator positions. Operators should be goal-driven, visionary, inspirational and highly professional leaders willing to achieve our vision for cutting-edge, functionally integrated service sites. In general, each operator will be responsible for the management of their respective site, with the WorkSource operator additionally responsible for (1) functionally or directly leading talent solution services, and (2) supporting the SWC with coordinating affiliated WorkSource service locations in Spokane County.

Next Generation Zone Service Providers’ Consortium (link to RFP)

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify three operators for the WorkSource Campus, with one at each of the following locations: WorkSource Spokane, Next Generation Zone, and EnVision Center. Agencies can bid on one or more operator positions. Operators should be goal-driven, visionary, inspirational and highly professional leaders willing to achieve our vision for cutting-edge, functionally integrated service sites. In general, each operator will be responsible for the management of their respective site, with the WorkSource operator additionally responsible for (1) functionally or directly leading talent solution services, and (2) supporting the SWC with coordinating affiliated WorkSource service locations in Spokane County.

WorkSource System Talent Solutions (link to RFP)

The SWC is soliciting proposals to identify three operators for the WorkSource Campus, with one at each of the following locations: WorkSource Spokane, Next Generation Zone, and EnVision Center. Agencies can bid on one or more operator positions. Operators should be goal-driven, visionary, inspirational and highly professional leaders willing to achieve our vision for cutting-edge, functionally integrated service sites. In general, each operator will be responsible for the management of their respective site, with the WorkSource operator additionally responsible for (1) functionally or directly leading talent solution services, and (2) supporting the SWC with coordinating affiliated WorkSource service locations in Spokane County.

The following documents apply to each RFP:
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