We are a non-profit organization whose mission is to elevate local workforce efforts with critical insights, researched guidance, innovative funding, and strategic partnership – so that we can cultivate a flourishing Spokane, together.

Spokane County by the Numbers
December 2024. Source: Employment Security Department
December 2024. Source: Employment Security Department
January 2025. Source: Lightcast
Change from the prior month.
Spokane’s workforce system is a national leader in providing customer-centered solutions to individuals in search of a career pathway, to local businesses that want to meet with local talent, and to social and human service seekers hoping to achieve financial freedom. Our award-winning integrated service delivery model allows our partners and service providers to meet the community’s workforce development needs consistently and cohesively.

One Campus,
One Stop!
The collection of our one-stop centers are known as the WorkSource Spokane One-Stop Campus and includes WorkSource Spokane, Talent Solutions by WorkSource Spokane, and Next Generation Zone.
Our centers are equal opportunity employers/programs and proud partners of the American Job Center Network.
Skilled Employees
The SWC is committed to helping people explore careers, improve skills, and find jobs. We provide funding and oversight for Spokane’s WorkSource System, a robust network of agencies engaged in matching job seekers to careers.
Adult Career Seekers
WorkSource Spokane is the only career center dedicated to adults in the area searching for their next employment opportunity, regardless of skills and experience.
Young Adult Career & Education Seekers
The Next Generation Zone is the Spokane area’s only career center for young adults. They combine education, career skills training, and community resources in one place.
Thriving Businesses
From labor market intelligence to hiring events or job matching to customized training, our Talent Solutions Team provides a myriad of services to Spokane-area businesses. We identify and closely study local targeted industries, supplying the latest data and insights so that businesses can be on track for the future.
Labor Market Intelligence
Our Business and Industry Analyst carefully analyzes changes and trends within the regional labor market and economy and provides workforce data, trends, and future projections to inform businesses to make great decisions.
Business Consultants
Talent Solutions by WorkSource Spokane is our workforce system’s team of business consultants that specialize in helping employers find the right talent by partnering with many local agencies and organizations to develop the best long-term strategy and build a robust talent pool.
Strong Community
Workforce development is a key component of economic growth. We are the leading resource for workforce development professionals. From policy creation to training, we are building a stronger community. We provide leadership and guidance for more than 100 workforce professionals, helping workers find sustainable jobs.
Social Services
Resource Center of Spokane County is a unique blend of over two dozen community partner agencies in one center. Customers no longer have to navigate multiple stops throughout Spokane County to receive life-changing social services, resources, and support.
Affiliated Connection Sites
Throughout Spokane County, seven additional organizations in over 20 locations partner with us to deliver the same quality customer service that meets the community’s workforce needs.
Workforce Wednesday
We’ve launched our #WorkforceWednesday series in partnership with Fox 28 Spokane. Each segment will keep the community informed and connected to all the services, resources, and support available at our WorkSource Spokane One-Stop Campus and WorkSource Connection Sites.
Workforce Wednesday airs each week on Fox 28’s Good Day program at 7:00 am.
It’s here – our first video podcast! Subscribe and NERD out with us as we discuss vital workforce development initiatives and share the ways we help our customers combat barriers to their career goals.
We’re absolute NERDS about workforce development and hope you join us as we release new episodes weekly.
Featured Event

Hiring & Retention Strategies
An event tailored for business professionals to learn about talent acquisition and development best practices in the post-pandemic world!
Registration opens on March 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.